Chamomile Tea Benefits for Your Health
Tea or coffee is an integral part of most of our lives. People drink it first in the morning to energize themselves. The second cup is usually to relax or to take a break. The third cup of coffee is not recommended, but if you drink tea then you can have 3-4 cups daily. Depending on how you take it, tea also contains lesser calories than coffee. If you add milk or sugar, then it is preferred that you drink only 2 cups of tea daily. Your choice of beverage may differ but tea or coffee is known to have several impressive benefits for our health.
Today we are going to discuss about a specific type of tea. Chamomile tea has recently gained popularity due to its many benefits. Green teas come in various flavors and help us with different aspects of our health. Chamomile is one herb that comes from daisy-like flowers. It belongs to the Asteraceae plant family. Chamomile has been around for centuries and consumed in various forms. The easiest way to consume it is in tea. The flowers of the plant are dried and infused in hot water. Chamomile tea is caffeine free which is amazing if you are looking to cut down on caffeine. It has an earthy, sweet flavor which isn’t overwhelming and is less stronger than green tea. You can purchase Chamomile tea bags or chamomile leaves if you wish to make your own tea.

Improves Digestion- We have spoken about poor digestion and its effects on our body. Proper digestion can help you with gut health, weight management, and other lifestyle diseases. Chamomile is effective in promoting digestion. It can also reduce the risk of certain gastrointestinal conditions. Some research has indicated that chamomile can prevent formation of stomach ulcers. Chamomile tea can reduce acidity in the stomach and inhibit the growth of bacteria that contribute to ulcer development. Chamomile tea is soothing and can calm an upset stomach. Nausea, gas, and indigestion are some of the things it can cure and reduce. The anti-inflammatory effects of Chamomile make it ideal to help with improved digestion and gut health.
Can Assist in Lowering Blood Sugar- The anti-inflammatory properties of Chamomile may prevent damage to the cells of your pancreas. This occurs when your blood sugar levels are elevated. Drinking chamomile tea regularly may help in lowering blood sugar levels. Keeping your pancreas healthy is very important. It produces insulin, the hormone responsible for removing sugar from your blood. Studies have found that diabetics who consume chamomile tea regularly have lower blood sugar levels than those who don’t. Chamomile tea can also lower fasting blood sugar levels and prevents spikes after eating.
Improves Heart Health- Chamomile tea is packed with flavones, a type of antioxidant. Flavones are vital in lowering blood pressure and cholesterol levels. These are the two biggest markets of heart diseases. Regular consumption of chamomile tea can lead to improved total cholesterol, triglyceride, and bad ‘LDL’ cholesterol.

Relieves Anxiety- Chamomile is known to be soothing and relaxing. It is often used in aromatherapy or as supplements to relieve anxiety, stress, and depression. Having chamomile tea before sleeping can reduce your anxiety, restlessness, and lead to a better quality of sleep. You can also try chamomile supplements if you suffer from anxiety or depression.
Improve Quality of Sleep- Chamomile contains apigenin, an antioxidant that binds to certain receptors in your brain. These receptors promote sleepiness and reduce insomnia. It can also help with the chronic inability to sleep. People who consumed chamomile extract or tea twice daily had less trouble staying asleep and fell asleep 15 minutes faster than those who didn’t consume chamomile tea or extract. Lack of sleep or poor quality of sleep leads to depression, irritation, fatigue, dullness, anxiety, and stress. Drinking chamomile tea will help you avoid all of these and show a marked improvement in your sleep quality.
Could Prevent Cancer- The antioxidants found in Chamomile have been linked with a lower incidence of certain types of cancer. Apigenin, the antioxidant found in Chamomile has been known to fight cancer cells, especially those of the digestive tract, skin, breast, prostate, and uterus. Studies have indicated that those who drink chamomile tea 2-6 times a week were less likely to develop thyroid cancer than those who did not drink chamomile tea.
These benefits make a strong case for having chamomile tea regularly. While the research is new and small, it is an indicator that you should consume chamomile tea regularly. Consult a doctor or medical expert before adding any new foods in your diet. You should also try a sample to ensure you don’t have any allergies or side effects to chamomile. Replacing regular coffee or tea with chamomile tea can also help you lose weight, sleep better, get clearer skin, and be energetic.